In the following you will find the websites of interesting organizations in the field of anti-psychiatry, assistance for the homeless and related topics. Of course, the contents of the sites we link to do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the members of the Association for Protection against Psychiatric Violence.
- Alliance against torture in psychiatry
- Weglaufhaus Initiative Ruhr Area e.V.
- Bundesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V. (Federal Association of People Experiencing Psychiatry)
- Project “Self-determined living with a personal budget” of the Federal Association of People Experiencing Psychiatry
- PatVerfü – Mentally ill? Your own decision!
- Berlin Organization of People Experienced in Psychiatry and People Affected by Psychiatry (BOP&P) e.V.
- Werner-Fuß-Center – State Association of People Experiencing Psychiatry Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., Irrenoffensive e.V.
- Peter Lehmann Antipsychiatrieverlag & mail order bookstore
- Communication lists for exchange of experiences about self-help / psychiatry, psychiatry reform, antipsychiatry, discontinuation of psychotropic drugs and much more.
- PSYCHEX – Get out of the madhouse!
- – Web catalog on psychiatry and psychology on the Internet (category “Antipsychiatry”)
- World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP)
- European Network of (ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP)
- MindFreedom – United Action for Human Rights in Mental Health
- Network of Hearing Voices
- INTERVOICE – The international community for hearing voices
- PARITÄTISCHER Welfare Association Berlin
- Complaints and Information Center for Psychiatry in Berlin
- The department for geriatric care, social welfare, nursing of the PARITÄTISCHEN Wohlfahrtsverband Berlin
- Working group housing shortage
- Where and how? – Guide to help for the homeless in Berlin
- HeileHaus – Health project in Berlin-Kreuzberg
- Soteria network
- Philadelphia Association
- Survivors History Group
- National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy
- Paula J. Caplan’s Blog
- The International R. D. Laing Institute
- Asylum. An International Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry
- Critical Psychiatry Network
- The Arbours Crisis Centre
- Madness Radio
- Mad Pride UK
- The Opal Project
- Hearing Voices Network
- PCCS Books
- Studio Upstairs
- The Icarus Project
- streetnet berlin